Are you a real team player and are sports your great passion? Then apply for a job as activities host at ROBINSON – or, as we call it at ROBINSON: employee in Sports & Entertainment. You are responsible for the sports-related entertainment of our guests: You and your colleagues initiate tournaments, organize the procedures and come up with fun activities, such as water polo in the morning,
beach volleyball in the evening, or a round of JeKaMi (every afternoon, games such as bingo, quizzes etc. take place that are open to everyone and free of charge). Your spontaneity and enthusiasm motivates our guests to participate. In your job as an activities host, you represent an important part of our club concept and apply your creative ideas to diversions throughout the day.
Unique employees for unique vacation experiences
Just like our guests, you should feel good during your daily work at a faraway destination. Then this destination will quickly turn into your home. Here we don’t care about nationality, gender or age. On the contrary – we see different cultural backgrounds as a great advantage. You will feel good in our special club atmosphere! What we do care about, however, is your personality, since warmth and communication are a priority for ROBINSON. All of the guests and ROBINS are joined into a cheerful team of open and communicative people. That is also why everyone at the club addresses others informally on principle.
Creative and motivating talents are wanted
We’re interested in your creativity. In your job as an activities host, you are responsible for the design and execution of activities, soft sports programs and walking acts. Together with your colleagues, you organize tournaments, cheer for the participants during competitions and award the winner. Your joyful enthusiasm for sports inspires our guests and motivates them to actively participate. The care and storage of the sports equipment and materials are also part of your tasks and reflect your autonomous work method. As a host and team player, you belong to the ROBINSON family and get to know interesting people. You support the other activities hosts and ROBINS from various departments in such tasks as coordinating the guests’ arrival and departures and planning numerous other activities. Together you enjoy life at the beach or in the mountains, celebrate with the guests and learn about new languages and cultures.
For your new job as an activities host, you should bring your passion and the following:
- experience in the planning, design and execution of sports activities, such as sport tournaments and games
- practical experience in team and ball sports, such as soccer and beach volleyball
- experience with moderating, talent for organizing and improvising as well as a completed education or sports studies are desired
We want you as an activities host and have a lot to offer!
In your job as an activities host, you work in the most beautiful spots in the world. You get to know new countries and cultures in the process. You will develop personally and professionally while you’re part of our team. In addition to your salary, benefits include the excellent meals from our chefs and free accommodations in the club facilities (Fully furnished flats with cooking facilities at the ROBINSON Fleesensee with favourable rents). In your free time you can use all club amenities, learn new sports and have a lot of fun with your guests and colleagues.
In brief, this is what you can expect as an activities host at ROBINSON:
- collaborating with open and qualified colleagues
- opportunities for professional development and for the realization of personal goals
- the opportunity to boost your creativity and discover new talents in yourself, such as on the stage