Job interviews? We have job castings!

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Jobcasting dates


At the job casting we finally get to know each other in person!

After your application via our Online-Bewerbungsformular you will receive a rejection (sorry!) or an invitation (yay!) to the next job casting after about 5-10 days. You got an invitation? Congratulations, then you have convinced us with your application and successfully mastered the first step on the way to becoming a ROBIN!


But what can I expect at job casting?

Some applicants have heart palpitations before their job casting - there's no reason for that, after all, we're just as curious about you as you are about us. So be completely free and light-hearted. The focus is on getting to know each other in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere.

Another important tip for you, especially for our job castings:

Show us what makes you tick! We love creative self-introductions that get to the point, e.g. sung, witty, rhymed, played or whatever. There are no limits to your imagination! If you want to get a first impression of what our job castings look like, you can find a video here.


Do I need to prepare?

Hm. Of course, we assume that you have a certain interest in ROBINSON. For example, you should know how many clubs we have in which countries. You can find all the facts you need to know right here on the homepage. But we also give you a lot of ROBINSON input, because at the end of the day we don't just have to decide for you, you have to decide for us!

Your jobs

Here you will find the right job for you – whether you are a childcare worker, receptionist or IT professional, on the Maldives, in Austria or Spain!

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